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Uploader SaintDumos,
Tags artist:SaintDumos character:ASOTIL Cosplay crossover Dark_Souls Safety_hat Solaire
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DOOMGUY11: Nice uograde

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SaintDumos: I have no idea what went through my mind. Props to @TrashPanda545 for the DS inspiration

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DOOMGUY11: @SaintDumos: what went through ur mind was imagination keep em coming!

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Toryu-Mau: ... Couldn't help but imagine the helmet with an angry eyebrow crest attached, M8. LoL >)X^D

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TrashPanda545: Oy, I gotta keep up with all of yous. Thanks for being an inspiration conduit thingy for ds.

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AMKitsune: @Toryu-Mau: You see what you made me do? If anyone asks, this is your fault.

I'm sorry SaintDumos, I couldn't help myself...
On a more serious note though, this would be such an amazing way to troll someone who routinely wears a helmet. With enough imagination, there's no end to how expressive you could make them

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DOOMGUY11: @AMKitsune: SaintDumos:OOF

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Toryu-Mau: @AMKitsune: ... Hahahahaha~! ( Falls off the chair ) >),:'^<D

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Vahrama: Wow it's Sir Kaloglot