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From Elsweyr With Love #11


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bluedraggy: Still an Epilogue to come, but this is pretty much The End. I'm still working on a followup which honestly I think is even better, but I don't think I'll do a narration of it. Hope those of you who listened enjoyed it. Always fun to try new things, and this was definitely new for me!

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DOOMGUY11: Hot tub?
Oh he only got to first base :(
"I'm still prettier than you" XD wtf?!

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DOOMGUY11: I got to admit that a modern elder scrolls worked here

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bluedraggy: I was thinking of a terrible comeback Ra'Jirra could have made to La'Dasha's last words. "Not for long!" (Oh, that's awful.)

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DOOMGUY11: @bluedraggy: ooh that would have made her last moments darker. Oh well we got this version which is funnier XD