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Uploader Zargothrax,
Tags actual_underwear artist:Zargothrax casually_underdressed character:Rajirra
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Zargothrax: Well, this took me a while.
I really tried my best with this one. It’s also my second attempt at shading.
The two reasons why I haven’t uploaded for a little while is one part this. I was pretty much figuring out stuff along the way (and I still have a long way to go), but also I was a little lazy lately.
In the future I’ll probably move back a step and do simpler anatomy sketches and gesture drawings. Having the foundations down properly contributes much more than any form of decoration.

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DOOMGUY11: @Zargothrax: damn you did well! I'm gonna use this pic for references since shading I barely touched and tried hope to see more :)

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Zargothrax: @DOOMGUY11: Thanks! But I think you should use pictures from artists whose knowledge on the subject is more solid than mine as references. At the moment I don't really see oddities in my drawing, but that doesn't mean there are none, and if you learn from this picture, you will also unknowingly learn the mistakes as well.

On the other hand, do whatewer suits you, the most important "lesson" in drawing is to have fun, stuff get really difficult without that.

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DOOMGUY11: @Zargothrax: yeah I meant references since I check out others aswell, I'll keep your tips in mind

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Toryu-Mau: @Zargothrax: ... Yup, no matter how fancy a hat is, unless the base geometry that make up the overall shape is drawn accurately, it will end up being a crumpled hat, eh? >):^/
As the saying goes, "A monkey in fancy shoe is still a monkey.", after all. >):^]

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Sashimi: OOO, OH YES! I mean...nice pic Zargothrax!

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Geravind: Wrong tail alignment at it's pin-point (compared to her spine position).

A bit weird shadowing here and there.

The lower legs missed proportion in massiveness.

The eyes/ears scale doesn't fit the skull size too well (we can leave it as artist's style ...but her eyes in size almost match her boobs =o_O= ).

Snaky hair? Ok, it's quite difficult to picture it all smoother.

The rest looks good. Lady Rajirra is such a chic. :3

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DOOMGUY11: @Sashimi: @Geravind: we all need more raj

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Yas, moar Grumpy Kat pls. c^:(<

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Sashimi: I hope you will continue to bless us with wonderful art Zar!

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Jadezzar: Continue drawing @Zargothrax: . We all need moar artist.