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DOOMGUY11: This picture makes me feel angry for some reason. Is it the colors? Idk it's super well done, glad you decided to put it on the booru! Also can you teach me to scan?

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Rick2tails: fire and ice kat

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Toryu-Mau: ... Woah, now that's some super cool use of gradiation, M8. ( Whistles ) >):^o

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AMKitsune: I just realised that my original version didn't credit Kazerad for the actual original that this Katia came from. I suppose that if edits like these 'inherit' the artists of their predecessors, that means that Kaz is partially responsible for this pic as well!

Also, holy shit! I wasn't expecting to see this today. I think you've actually done a better job of the lighting that I did. Great work!

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Nicros_Man: @Rick2tails: Or more like: Red Fire Katia and Blue Fire Nick

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Nicros_Man: @Nicros_Man: Shut up, younger me, it is fire and ice now!!!