Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.


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WBGaming81: A resourcepack for MC had not been done yet.
Someone HAD to change this fact

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AMKitsune: @WBGaming81: Mikeythefox and I have been working on one off and on for a while now, but it's still not finished. Have you got a finished one? If so, can we have a link please?

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WBGaming81: @AMKitsune: No, I started two day ago and Im not even through half the textures, the last thing I did before making this post, was to make the arena armor (If I knew how to add pics, here would be one XD)

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Toryu-Mau: ... Can I punch it? >):^?

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WBGaming81: Dont know? can you?