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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Im pretty sure Katia has non khajiit parents, considering her lack of everything khajiit.. maybe she was adopted? Also Asotil is Buzz Lightyear.

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Nicros_Man: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Or Captain Qwark!

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Nicros_Man: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: And by the way, yes. She was adopted, but I was wondering what her real parents look like.

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Sashimi: Another great pic! Love the variety of characters and expressions!

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Sashimi: Both Katia and Nick's mothers have such kind, caring faces!

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DOOMGUY11: Omg! You gave me an idea hope you dont mind! Just give me a yes or no on our group chat

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: ooh groupchat?

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Rick2tails: a lot of good work here on the faces of the characters!

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PermanentFace: Katia's parents are khajiit, but they were apparently indoctrinated into Hammerfell culture sufficiently that Katia doesn't really know much about being a cat.
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Vinarto: I will admit, you are a good artist... for the most part *cough cough* ASOTIL *cough cough*

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DOOMGUY11: @Vinarto: XD

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Toryu-Mau: @Nicros_Man: ... Yup, Great Heroes(?) tend to look-alike, eh? >):^]

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Nicros_Man: @Vinarto: LOL! I'm sorry if Asotil doesn't look like his original face. I try to make him look like Captain Qwark, because I allways saw him as an Elder Scrolls version of Captain Qwark or The Tick.

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CaptainLackwit: Darka.

d a r k a .

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Toryu-Mau: @Nicros_Man: ... Oh yeah, he definitely resembles The Tick. Right down to the T. >):^D

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Toryu-Mau: @CaptainLackwit: ... How about "Umbra" instead, that would sound much more sinister while retaining the meaning of the original. >):^]


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Nicros_Man: @Toryu-Mau: Yeah, good idea! I'll think about that!

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I think Kazerad said somewhere that Katia's parents were the elf looking variants. So, she kinda does have the least Khajiit parents.

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PermanentFace: Umbra is taken. It's the name of a cursed blade containing a fragment of Clavicus Vile, as well as the people it consumes.

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CaptainLackwit: @Nicros_Man: Dude! Have you PLAYED Oblivion!?

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Nicros_Man: @CaptainLackwit: no, only Skyrim. Why?

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DOOMGUY11: Skyrim is better in every way,disagreeing makes you objectively wrong (it is joke dont take too serious)

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CaptainLackwit: @Nicros_Man: Oh. Oh boy.

Okay so maybe you want to go try out the game prequel is based upon before writing stuff in the setting. No seriously.
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TheCourier343: @DOOMGUY11: hey doomguy it's me the courier, that's right I finally found a way to contact you through this site now I'm going to find u....
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TheCourier343: @DOOMGUY11: hey doomguy it's me the courier, that's right I finally found a way to contact you through this site now I'm going to find u....

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DOOMGUY11: @TheCourier343: oh no. Why lil bro? :'(

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DOOMGUY11: @TheCourier343: so yeah hey bro! Idk what you are doing here but, yeah...

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Wait a minute... Was that your Bro-Bro, or a Bud-Bro? >):^?

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: it's my lil brother, me and him compete with each other on everything XD. Once he saw me drawing he decides to beat me.

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Sibling rivarly eh? Hope we see him around to push you to draw even better~! >):^D

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Nicros_Man: @CaptainLackwit: I didn't played Oblivion, but I would like to.
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TheCourier343: Toryu-Mau my drawing's are ASS. I can't draw katia. So don't expect alot of drawings from me.