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Uploader Nicros_Man,
Tags artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering knock_off portrait text
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Nicros_Man: I was trying to recapture the drawing style of other artist.

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DOOMGUY11: Hmm, mine ears are lil more longer but other than that good stuff!You captured the styles like a pro!

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Sashimi: So many cute Kats!

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Toryu-Mau: @Nicros_Man: ... Yup, gotta flash that wide toothy grin to let people know, it's time to get wholesome~! >):^D ( Begins to jog at a brisk pace for no particular reason )

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Rick2tails: so much waifu in one spot! ^_^

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H-Psycho: Tag as featured_masterpiece??? Me likey dis.

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PermanentFace: Please don't tag things as 'featured_masterpiece' if they have not been featured as a masterpiece by the moderators.

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Nicros_Man: @PermanentFace: Sorry

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DOOMGUY11: Hopefully this gives the artist a lil more recognition, they deserve it! :)

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Krozbott: looks like katia doesn't stop being cute regardless of what artstyle she's in, good work!

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Jadezzar: I really, really need to improve alot...

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Toryu-Mau: @Jadezzar: ... Oi Revi, I've been meaning to ask ya, submit some recent drawings to the Camp Gallary so we can discuss how to improve there, eh? >):^D
It's nigh impossible to keep track of it long enough to get a constructive chain going when ya post it on Discord since it scrolls the log way too fast to respond to reliably and there's alaways so much distractions happening.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Oh right. Well I'll try. And eh, I still kinda busy from time to time. Just hope I could scan my pics tomorrow. Or maybe today. And then upload them to DA.

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KillerfishSG: ^.^ I'm featured! Thank you
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DepecheMode: Makkon draws the baddest katia this world has never seen.
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DepecheMode: @DepecheMode: *ever

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Nicros_Man: Makkon is one of the Prequel-Fanart artist legend! I love his/her style! This is what I was inspired for drawing my Katia.

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Jakobqasadilla: I prefer kazerads style but that's because I have LOOKED at katia in that style the most and see it as the "real" one