Challenge the rules at your own peril.


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StonedGrape: RE: How did Sigrid use fire if she couldn't use magic?


(Because she's """lit""" that's why.)

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MrCoopy: Thanks, I hate it.
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SilentOrbweaver: You know, I haven't commented here in a while, but boy oh boy, this shit right here is perfectly resonating with how drunk I'm right now!

Good job, good sir! I'll drink up one for'ya!

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Rick2tails: DAMN GURL! YOU HOT!

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Grape: @MrCoopy: Yeah I'm with you on this one

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StonedGrape: @Grape: Moderator Snoopgrapes \(• ◡ •)/

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Jakobqasadilla: OK guys THIS is epic style 5 likes and I'll do a fortnite dance

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SaintDumos: what am I supposed to feel?

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Zargothrax: Reminds me of that masterpiece of a videogame called "GAME OF THE YEAR: 420BLAZEIT vs. xxXilluminatiXxx [wow/10 #rekt edition] Montage Parody The Game"
Highly suggested for those in the dank arts

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StonedGrape: @Zargothrax: Just downloaded and played it, that was wonderful. Thank you!

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beans: i feel many things