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Uploader Boogeestro,
Tags artist:Boogeestro beautiful character:Rajirra monochrome plain_background sketch
Source Unknown
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Boogeestro: huh... forgot to make the image resolution smaller.
Hehehehehe... heh... >w>

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bluedraggy: I had a great time watching you stream this Boogeestro. But I feel it has a serious lack of Slithers the Split-End Snek. (And if I don't have this colored by the end of the week, call the paramedics because I've probably fallen and I can't get up.) And a certain Sashimi is giddy.

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Rick2tails: this is pretty

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Sashimi: Thank you again Boogeestro for doing this! She is glorious!

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Boogeestro: @bluedraggy
It's ok, you haven't seen the last of slithers. And I do want to finish coloring this, definitely, so you won't have to pass out. (I had a ton of fun streaming too, and I'll most certainly be doing more in the future)

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Boogeestro: @Sashimi
You're very welcome, stay tuned for the fully colored one ;3

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bluedraggy: Oh. Okay. If you're gonna color it, I'll back off. Official colors by the original artist are always better.

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Sashimi: @Boogeestro: Excellent! And I'd certainly love to get more pics from you!

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: Aww, but we love that Draggy touch!

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DOOMGUY11: @Boogeestro: teach this one to draw a rajiira plz ā—‹Uā—‹

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bluedraggy: @Sashimi: I don't know forms. :) But no, I've seen Boogeestro's coloring. I would not be an improvement. Maybe next week if he hasn't felt like it, but the original artist is the proper colorer. Most of my stuff is at least a year old that is clear isn't gonna get the paintbrush.

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Zargothrax: The confident elegance of Boogeestro's linework and style always amazed me; this time, is no exception!

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LuminosityXVII: Oooh. Do I spy a new stream channel I should be watching?

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: I think you do!

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Toryu-Mau: ... Woah, those are some mesmerizing lines, M8. >)8^u

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Boogeestro: @DOOMGUY11 I mean, I wouldn't mind showing you how I draw. I'm thinking I might want to create a discord for when I stream, so I can get the word out really quickly that way. If one on one tutoring is more your style, it shouldn't be hard to make time, the more art time the better for me.

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DOOMGUY11: @Boogeestro: I would love the tutoring but i was for the most part joking XD. But i would love to join your discord!

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Well, ain't ya lucky~ I'll be watching over the shoulder too, M8. >);^]

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: thanks!