Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.


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Rick2tails: got this today by the artist pooqa they have an fa page and a patreon I follow them on.

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SlashSeven: Katya finally managed to levitate. Oh yeah =)

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Kazerad: @SlashSeven: I mean, or fall.

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: "That wasn't levitating! That was... falling with style."

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BlackMessa: @SlashSeven: Wasn't that outlawed during the events of Morrowind?

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SlashSeven: @BlackMessa: she probably can do this right if she train.

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Makkon: this is wonderful! Do they have a twitter or instagram I can follow? Sadly I don't have a patreon or fa

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Rick2tails: @makkon sorry I domt know of any if they do. It`s not like furaffinity costs anything to join if you wanted to watch just that artist.

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TheGibusGuy: Like an angel!