All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.


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twistNtwirl: Hey everyone, this is my first tribute to Katia! Three cheers to Katia and her creator, Kazerad!!

I tried squeezing everything I could think of within one painting
See if you can spot everything! The list is as follows:
- Fire magic
- Telekinesis
- Summoning line things. (I super loved that when I saw it)
- Amulet of silence (I miss that amulet)
- Cloak of Grey Tomorrow (Friggin' awesome it is!)
- Splits (I remember Katia doing the splits on several occasions, but seriously I'm always frustrated by Katia refusing to use her flexibility to get out of trouble.)
- Alchemical tomb.
- Flipped table. (A well-hidden one, I think.)
- Pole dancing pole
- Sweetroll (This one is really, really well hidden. Good luck finding it!)

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bluedraggy: Wow! Talk about coming in with a bang! There should be better words for this, but... awesome!

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Gren: Poledancing is some serious shit. Whenever you see those moves you know she means business.

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Nicros_Man: Awesome!

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SlashSeven: That's a skill!

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Rick2tails: featured masterpiece!!
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Vinarto: @Rick2tails: Definitely!

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Zargothrax: What a dramatic entrance!
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twistNtwirl: @Gren: Haha! It really is! Katia seems to be really good for someone who only took "a couple" of pole classes.
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twistNtwirl: Wow! I didn't expect so many kind comments! Thanks, guys!
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twistNtwirl: @bluedraggy: @Zargothrax: I'm glad you guys like my tribute to this amazing comic! I'm glad I found this site! :)

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DOOMGUY11: Holy... I love it! I hope to be on your skill level some day!
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twistNtwirl: @DOOMGUY11: Thanks. Getting to my level is not very hard, just draw every day and ask professional artists for their 'brutally honest' opinion. Good luck!

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CandyDragon: Damn, now this is some good art. (but where are the scary playing cards? smh

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Dawoc: @twistNtwirl: There's no pineapple or yoyo, the most important of items!

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scoopski: holy shit