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twistNtwirl: I didn't have much time, so I had to fart this one out really quick, sorry about the quality.
I imagined Katia a couple of years from now when she's really gotten used to her magical abilities.

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SlashSeven: Oh My God it's perfect

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XenoYparxi: nicely drawn! looks more like Rajirra tho lol

also, maybe I should've said it earlier on the sketch but... the hand on the right (from the viewer's point) seems tiny >_>
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durandal: The pineapple makes this look like it's her victory pose for Smash

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PermanentFace: Magnificent.

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Radian: Wew lad. I do see some little flaws but damn, this looks real nice for something that was quickly farted out.

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Zargothrax: You farted this one out in higher quality than I could create a drawing with unlimited amount of time at my disposal lol.

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Sashimi: Sweet! Awesome job on this!And holy smokes, THIS was done really quick? That's impressive!

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Rick2tails: this looks pretty damn good to me!real bad ass Katia!

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Gren: Obviously this is Rajirra. There's no way Katia would ever be this badass.

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Kavro: If this is a rush job, you must be absolutely fantastic when taking your time. Stunning image, I applaud you.

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DOOMGUY11: @twistNtwirl: Quality ain't nothing to be sorry about XD. THIS IS TOO GOOD *CLAPS*

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Nicros_Man: That is the most epic art I've ever seen!
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DepecheMode: @Gren: But Rajirra's not a mage.
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SilentOrbweaver: And I thought her head was on fire, but it's actually just the long hair. <_<

Anyway, great job.
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twistNtwirl: @Gren: Oh ye of little faith! People get better at what they do if they work hard.
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twistNtwirl: @XenoYparxi: Oh it does! Thanks for pointing it out! I'll keep that in mind next time.
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twistNtwirl: @Kavro: Nah, not really. If I spent more time on this piece it'll be for correcting colors, adding minor details and painting in the background.
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twistNtwirl: @DepecheMode: I am soooo glad Rajirra is not a mage, can you imagine how hard Katia's life would be if she was a mage? (I really don't like Rajirra haha!)

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Zargothrax: twistNtwirl's art are probably the most badass ones that have ever been posted here.
Does anyone know where else he may have been (or is) present other than this booru?

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damrok4321: Would make a great wall poster

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ADudeCalledLeo: Now THIS is a witch-hunter.

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Whistle: this amazing !!!!!!