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Uploader Bill,
Tags adorable artist:Bill character:Katia_Managan happy missing_tail modern_clothing presents
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Bill: Okay-ish drawing that I quickly made to celebrate Christmas. BTW Merry Catmiss all.

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Kazerad: She is giving a present to the image to the left! Which as of writing this is currently herself in the featured image.

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Bill: Perfect Katia is giving a different Katia a present, inception style.

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DOOMGUY11: Huh I find your style to remind of another artist

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DOOMGUY11: Kazerad style for sure! But something else...

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Bill: Kinda snek-ish Katia but I didn't use any reference material so if it's similar to another style that would be some pretty cool coincidence.

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Rick2tails: overall I see promise in your art.but the head to body ratio is seriously off here.It`s basically superdeformed/chibi styled based on head to body ratio

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Bill: The chibi style was desired sorry if it looks totally unnatural. Also thanks for the compliment.