Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.


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DarthVader: Cool! Next one me!

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Evilpopcorn: There really isn't enough Gaius stuff... wait would Gaius be considered a heretic? What's his opinion on the Imperial Cult?

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lapma: @Evilpopcorn: @Evilpopcorn: I think he would care more about killing chaos cultists.

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Zargothrax: I was just thinking about Astartes Gaius and >>89 a few hours ago, needless to say I was quite surprised to see this! Thanks Lapma, this just made my day!
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twistNtwirl: I knew it! The god emperor was a Septim all along!

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PermanentFace: Not sure a servant of god-emperor Talos would bear the symbol of Oblivion upon his power armor. Maybe it represents his chosen foe? But I think the Red Diamond might be a more appropriate chapter icon.

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lapma: @PermanentFace: 1st reason that comes to my mind is O standing for obedience.

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PermanentFace: Checks out. An open mind is like an unguarded fortress.

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AMKitsune: Well would you look at that? Looks like the elite forces of the imperium of man (and mer) are about to face off against a hoard of orcs. a few hundred more of the greens and it might even be considered a fair fight

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lapma: @AMKitsune: Not sure about mer though. Especially orcs are also a mer

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somebody0214: fookin cultists, man, I'm tellin' ya they're everywhere

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Bill: Reminds me of Fallout. (Fallout: New Cultists would be the title.)