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Bill: First proper good looking Pixel art!

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Bill: My* sorry

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Sashimi: Hey good job!

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Bill: Thanks

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Bill: If anyone sees this what dimensions does Kaz use? I mean in pixels such as this is 250 by 250 pixels.

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AMKitsune: @Bill: For a Prequel comic panel, typically 600 x 450.

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somebody0214: pillow shading reeee
not really tho, good job, man, really well done
question: is it supposed to look like surprised pikachu meme?

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Bill: @somebody0214: Oh lol the "pillow shading" look was not desired. It was just an outline to bring out the color. Any relationship between this and the surprised Pikachu pic were not intensional though now I might actually meme Katia into that. Thanks for the feedback though