Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.


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KuroNeko: I saw some theories saying that Katia could be the hero of Kvatch, so I wanted to draw her fighting Mehrunes Dagon.

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Rick2tails: kick ass Katia! :)

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damrok4321: dude, so freaking cool

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damrok4321: But still I prefer the way she's not a hero of Kvatch, because that would mean in time She would reach the shivering isles and become sheogorath, So she wouldn't be Katia anymore

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KuroNeko: @damrok4321:
Thank you :)

In Skyrim, Sheogorath still remember the event of the Oblivion Crisis, so maybe turning into him doesn't overwrite your personality and she would still be herself... justa bit more crazy.
Now, speaking of Sheogorath makes me wonder if this part of the comic was foreshadowing.