Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.


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Filthypaladin: "I'm pretty sure I'm lost as shit right now."

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Filthypaladin: did this for lighting practice and to better understand her figure in general.

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Filthypaladin: Also clothing... those pesky things. Yeah, I don't tend to draw those too often. >.>

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AMKitsune: @Filthypaladin: Well I'm glad you are! With the exception of the (literally) sketchy background, this looks like it could have come straight out of the comic itself.

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vsauce4: Katia when she walks in my room

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Dominik: Keep practicing, you definietly got this

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Rick2tails: as much as I love seeing her naked. she also looks good in clothes too and especially in this picture

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PermanentFace: Marvelous. I love seeing pictures of Katia with clothes on. What a rare treat.

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Geravind: @Rick2tails: IF an artist CAN into sub-drawing.

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Miki: W?
Night vision? Hello?
But the drawing is very high quality. =)

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AMKitsune: @Miki: I don't think night eye is going to be much help here.

Nope. Not much help at all

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Miki: @AMKitsune: Hey i got it. If the enemies are close and need a fireball. That night vision will do harm. For sure!