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Tags adorable birthday braids cake character:Little_Katia fire happy
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Filthypaladin: The years move ever closer to the beginning of Prequel and everything in between.

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bluedraggy: When you look up 'adorable' in the dictionary. Dawww, she even got a new hula hoop for her birthday! And if anybody gives you shit about perspective, tell em to go to hell. So maybe the number of cherries on time indicate her age, so she's like 7 here. I'd like to think she has all the friends around her, but I know better. Still, she's happy and that's the most important part. Happy Birthday... whatever your original name was.

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DarthVader: Now, let’s see what happens if I smash the cake!

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Sashimi: Awww, Nice to see this. Happy birthday, Katia!

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Rick2tails: this is the most wonderful thing! *force chokes Vader for suggesting anything to ruin this and then adds some Yoda force lightning *

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DarthVader: Only Sith Lords can use those powers @Rick2tails: Only Dark side users can use those powers! Your attempts to destroy me were pathetic!

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Whats the thing floating above the cake?

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KuroNeko: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu:
I think it's a hoop leaning agaist the wall in the back.

Even Molag Bal is disgusted with you.

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AMKitsune: Simply adorable!
Also, I get the hula hoop reference.