DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Unimaginable suffering shall be granted to those that do not tag properly. Image Uploader SaintDumos, May 5, 2019; 09:28 Tags artist:SaintDumos character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow featured_masterpiece Khajiit Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible May 5, 2019; 09:29 - Reply SaintDumos: I uhhh, I may have watched too much of Wilburgur's Oblivion gameplays.. May 5, 2019; 09:32 - Reply DarthVader: I was wondering when someone was gonna post something like this. May 5, 2019; 09:37 - Reply XenoYparxi: Katia is certainly terrified May 5, 2019; 11:28 - Reply Zargothrax: I've been waiting for this to happen for so long, I was convinced I'd have to do it myself. Thank you SaintDumos. REEEEEEtastic work! May 5, 2019; 11:42 - Reply SaintDumos: @Zargothrax: Wowee! I see you’re a man of culture as well. May 5, 2019; 12:09 - Reply Rick2tails: shots fired? May 5, 2019; 13:03 - Reply DarthVader: @Zargothrax: Same! May 5, 2019; 16:58 - Reply AMKitsune: I am genuinely surprised that this is the first time we've seen this guy here. Is it finally time for Katia to learn the ultimate in transportation magic... Cat Space Mission. May 12, 2019; 10:35 - Reply PermanentFace: Katia looks remarkably at ease. May 13, 2019; 16:46 - Reply Arcikeligo: Newest power couple, Autism Kat May 25, 2019; 19:05 - Reply CrazyTimeTraveler: Imagine the autism kittens!
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