Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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damrok4321: Katia intrigued how water behaves in space

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XenoYparxi: can't really say from her expression

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DarthVader: I don’t think she knows that to think about.

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vsauce4: how did she even manage to get into a space module?
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Streetwind: @vsauce4: From the look of her face, she's asking herself the exact same question.

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Zargothrax: @XenoYparxi: Maybe because she doesn't have eyebrows. Come to think about it, how would one even distinguish a khajiit's eyebrows from the fur that generally covers their face? It all just blends together doesn't it?

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XenoYparxi: @Zargothrax: well that's excluding stylistic eyebrows that are present in the style

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XenoYparxi: and I mean, yeah, no eyebrows is what makes this expression, I quite like how it is

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lapma: Love that pineapple and yo-yo.