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KuroNeko: This is one of my favorite moments from Prequel, not because of Katia poledancing but because for a brief moment nothing bad happened to her, she didn't feel sad or ashamed by herself and just enjoyed herself doing something she likes... and then that orc ruined everything, seriously, I hope the dremoras made him dance in the arena before killing him.

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Dominik: I am sure that orc was just jealous because of her great dance skills.

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Rick2tails: Katia is the best dancer!:)

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Sashimi: Haha, that is cute!

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PermanentFace: @KuroNeko: Geez, it's not like he locked her in an attic with a greater imp-master murderboss after picking her pockets. He just doesn't like dancing.

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KuroNeko: @PermanentFace: Of course he's not as bad as Rajirra and is free to not like dancing, but crushing Katia's newly found confidence by telling her she has experience standing under lampposts was still pretty mean.

@Sashimi: Thanks.

@Rick2tails:She sure is.

@Dominik: Yeah, that's probably why.

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Sashimi: OH C"MON! Gharug may be personable, and has snazzy pants, but the dude deliberately conned Katia and robbed her at the point of a sword! Lets also not forget the fact he's a cold blooded murder!

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PermanentFace: @Sashimi: Are you saying all orcs look the same? We're clearly talking about the Arena Orc, not Gharug!

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Sashimi: @PermanentFace: Oh geeze! I forgot all about the arena orc. My bad for being totally racist!