DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Betray your fellow mortals by reporting violated rules. Your continued existence is your only reward. Image Uploader KNOWNvictor, June 5, 2019; 11:48 Tags angry armor artist:KNOWNvictor Blade brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan Imperial looking_badass Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible June 5, 2019; 11:51 - Reply KNOWNvictor: The first part to a two-part drawing, I hope to draw more like I use to but I will forever hate tags. Had to upload as a jpeg because of the size of this thing xD Hope you enjoy June 5, 2019; 12:35 - Reply Rick2tails: this is quite awesome indeed! June 5, 2019; 16:48 - Reply Zargothrax: Absolutely badass! (Think I'll just tag it so) June 5, 2019; 17:11 - Reply KNOWNvictor: @Rick2tails: @Zargothrax: Thanks! June 6, 2019; 10:14 - Reply Tabby_Catface: That's the sort of thing that can blow minds by it's quality. Please, make more. We'll appreciate it. June 6, 2019; 15:19 - Reply Dominik: Absolutely wonderful! July 10, 2019; 20:42 - Reply OgTariq: this is amazing
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(Think I'll just tag it so)
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