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Tags artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan eyepatch meme painted_underwear positive_attitude smiling
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lapma: When you try to join a Mages Guild and it goes awful

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DarthVader: Just stop trying to making everything Look ok we already know something happened.

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DarthVader: The art looks really good!

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Sashimi: It's fiiiine!

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vsauce4: Nawwww I'm gOOd

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Rick2tails: someone is a really dirty girl! ;)

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XenoYparxi: ^ that has gone multiple ways ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Miki: So say your clothes burned. But why underwear left?
And stop being so happy. You still need to pay for the training of fire magic.

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XenoYparxi: @Miki: that's one of the advantages of painter underwear

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KuroNeko: Even bruised and with missing teeth she still manage to look Adorable.

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AMKitsune: You know, burnt hair is actually a real nuisance. I actually burnt my beard a few weeks ago when testing some spark plugs on a lawn mower. Turned out there were more residual petrol fumes in and around the engine than I imagined and ended up taking an inadvertent fireball to the face. No serious harm came of it, but about half of my beard hairs became brittle, curled up, discoloured and absolutely stank of burned hair. I ended up shaving the whole thing off and waiting a couple of weeks for it to grow back.

Point is, it's a good thing Katia only get a comical 'covering in soot' when she catches fire, otherwise the razor incident would be more of a regular occurrence.
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Arcikeligo: Gives me SMB vibes, was that your goal? Because if so, it was met!