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bluedraggy: Something very different from me. Totally not-questionable. I had ideas of lots of other stuff to add - grass moving, glowbugs blinking, but it started getting out of hand so I just left it at this. 100% mine this time at least, even the sky. Rather proud of that sky. Takes a good while to complete, but I think you'll know when it's done. Anyway, felt like doing something very different - and I always thought these two should get together for something dawww-inducing.

Idea came from a walk with the dog at dusk.

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bluedraggy: And I fully expect most people not to wait long enough to see the whole thing loop. But someone suggested I should mention it. When no one is left looking at the sky, it's over.

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KuroNeko: This was a rollercoster of emotions. It went from cute and heartwarming to really sad and ended being funny. This is amazing.

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Zargothrax: This was emotional, also really liked the twist. Looking forward to seeing similar content from you Draggy, in the future.
And yes, that's a pretty sky!

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: At this resolution and duration, it's probably a good thing that you didn't try to animate it further. As it is, you've got a total of 22 frames, most being spaced either 5 or 10 seconds apart. If you were to have turned this into a full animation, the additional frames required would have caused the filesize to skyrocket!

Still, a lovely little story.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Katia has left the game.

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bluedraggy: Nice one TGWAKW. I likey!

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Dominik: I love how they hold their tails, that's so cuute

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Dexterosaurus: Aww, this is so adorable. Nicely done :)
Also, it kinda reminds me of Enderal.
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Millie: jdkhskjfhjkds my heart

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Rick2tails: this is pretty darn cute! I like it

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Sashimi: This was an excellent piece, Draggy. Well done!