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Uploader lordbeacatm,
Tags character:Katia_Managan portrait
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Tabby_Catface: O M G
drawing with mouse?

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lordbeacatm: Me and my friend argued who would better draw Katya with a mouse. My drawing on the left, a friend on the right

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Tabby_Catface: O M G
both this drawings looks cool

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Tabby_Catface: LMAO

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Tabby_Catface: poor Katia

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lordbeacatm: dont spam)

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Zargothrax: When I first looked at the thumbnail (where I looked at it from left to right, assuming there is a progression between the pictures, instead of having 2 different artists) it reminded me of William Utermohlen, artist who got diagnosed with Alzheimer's, then made self portraits of himself in the following 5 years until his demise, each painting becoming more and more distorted. For the record, yours look pretty good for being drawn with a mouse.

I've got an idea! Next April's 1st, every artist here, upload your best attempt at drawing Katia, or any other Prequel character with a mouse. Will probably be funny seeing each other struggling like hell.
Ehh, what am I saying noone will remember this comment by then.

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Tabby_Catface: @Zargothrax: I'm in.

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KuroNeko: @lordbeacatm: You used a mouse to draw a cat?
But seriously this is quite good for something drawn with the mouse.

@Zargothrax: That sound like it could be fun, I'm definitrly for doing something like that.

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damrok4321: @Zargothrax: heheh im also in, gonna set reminder at 1 st april

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lordbeacatm: Thats a good idea!

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Tabby_Catface: <<Hey people, don't you dare to forget about it this year>>

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Caps: Let'see if we can remember it by the 1st of April. ; )
I will love to upload something like that though my drawings are awful.