All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.


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bluedraggy: Once again with FEELING. Sorry, shadows were too embarrassingly bad on the one from yesterday to leave. Plus it mad her look like she was squatting instead of sitting. Drawing by Rawrunes. I've put her on the floor of the tavern where she first meets QW here. As if she fell from a barstool (or the ceiling) and had a sudden moment of clarity knowing exactly where and what she was doing. Fortunately she'll soon be back to her -black-out-drunk amorous ways and will have forgotten about this horrifying moment of clarity.

Also revised censorbottle.

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Tabby_Catface: Now it's perfect.

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Tabby_Catface: Even for her.

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Sashimi: She looks sad, yet adorable. Nice work there, D!

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Tabby_Catface: First step to the normal life was taken.
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WillDaFur: @Sashimi agreed

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Skoon: She so cute tho

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Miki: Booze inside and Katia outside.
Бухло внутри а Катиа снаружи.

It specific Russian humor.

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Dominik: She looks kinda confused.
Ya, i would be confused too in that sort of situation

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KuroNeko: That's cute ... and sad
The anatomy is really good.

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Zargothrax: Got to say, really nice style and anatomy.
Good shading too, Bluedraggy!