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Uploader MinnoSimmins,
Tags artist:MinnoSimmins casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear
Source Unknown
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MinnoSimmins: Smug Katia

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OgTariq: hey welcome to the Fanart club

(looks nice btw)

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MinnoSimmins: @OgTariq: Thanks, and thanks!

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Rick2tails: oh looks like some kitty wants to pounce..I hope? ;)

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AMKitsune: @MinnoSimmins: Oh god yes! I thought this reminded me of something but I couldn't for the life of me place it. Thank you for settling that for me.

She certainly needs a little more peace and tranquility in her life. Don't we all?

(if this isn't a conscious reference/crossover, it's an extremely good coincidence)
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GamGyuls: No one's around to help.

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Dominik: Good job!

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KuroNeko: Cute smug kitty