DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions. Image Uploader zody77, August 6, 2019; 02:01 Tags character:Rajirra dwemer_automaton Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible August 6, 2019; 05:36 - Reply lordbeacatm: maybe kinda questonable? August 6, 2019; 08:38 - Reply Sashimi: Excellent cyber ket, Zody. August 6, 2019; 09:28 - Reply Rick2tails: theres no robo nipples or holes so not questionable at all . this is cute August 6, 2019; 09:36 - Reply Sashimi: @Rick2tails: Agreed! Now where can I get one? August 6, 2019; 12:42 - Reply KuroNeko: A weapon to surpass the numidium. But seriously this is awesome, and very cute. August 6, 2019; 16:42 - Reply Dominik: Does it have lasers? Oh gods, tell me it does, please! August 6, 2019; 16:57 - Reply zody77: @Dominik: the raj155a unite has good wepon system but as fare as we know there no build it lasers but do not worry the k4t1a model does comes with flame thrower August 6, 2019; 16:59 - Reply Zargothrax: So good to see the dwemer used their skills for building something better than centurions. Nice! August 6, 2019; 19:04 - Reply damrok4321: please I want a dwemer Katia follower in tes games August 7, 2019; 10:26 - Reply NotGod: This is some kind of Metropolis-like robo there. The Dwemer must have been based of the one 1927 film I guess? Like that would be kinda cool.
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But seriously this is awesome, and very cute.
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The Dwemer must have been based of the one 1927 film I guess? Like that would be kinda cool.