Mortals cannot be trusted to make decisions on their own. Peruse other images to make sure you are tagging properly.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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semiafro007: the power of jumping like a tiger have no limits

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Zargothrax: I'm tagging this as acrobatics (and misuse of tail), because that's what you level up by jumping around (and I guess that's what all of us did when playing Oblivion). But do you guys mind me modifying the tag list of like half the entries I see on this boruu? I mean, the functionality and permissions point towards that we can do that, I'm just asking if this bothers anyone.

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lapma: @Zargothrax: That's fine, i just forget about half of the tags in the existence

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AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: As long as your not adding new tags that have never been used here before (except artist tags, series names and so on), and the ones you are adding are suitably appropriate, then please, by all means go ahead.
More comprehensive tagging makes life easier for everyone (who wants to search for/blacklist stuff)!
@lapma: From the thumbnail, I initially thought this was a reference to the time Katia jumped out of a window and dinged up her leg for a bit. The fact that she was seemingly hopping on it and looked happy about it admittedly caused some confusion XD.

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Dominik: Nice image and reference

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OgTariq: hope u enjoy your broken tail XD

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Rick2tails: oh the wonderful thing about Katias is that KAtias are wonderful things!

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Zargothrax: @AMKitsune: And what about removing tags, that seem irrelevant? Or removing tags that are used only in 1-2 images and are not artist/franchise names, etc. or required to understand the image? Also, at some point, I think you should clarify when one should tag an image "khajiit". It seems superfluous 99% of the time, and would make sense only if all images of khajiits were tagged as such, or none (an other way I can imagine if it was only used on other khajiits than Raj, Kat and the bartender, and characters that were not meant to be khajiits but the artist turned them into one).
Oh and sorry Lapma, for spamming your thread with irrelevant stuff, but I need answers!