Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Uploader Pyriax,
Tags artist:Pyriax character:Katia_Managan Katia's_wizard_robe non-alcoholic_beverage
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Pyriax: I enjoy drawing Katia so I wanted another go at it in a more canon scenario.

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GalaTheFish: Some real nice art here. Good job.

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damrok4321: this is eye pleasing

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Zargothrax: Very pretty!

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semiafro007: ☭/10

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OgTariq: nice

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KuroNeko: I really like her pose, very nice work.

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Dominik: Looks really cool. Keep it up

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Rick2tails: she must be a wizard because Katia has put a spell on me! ^_^ nice art!

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bluedraggy: Does that ever work in bars, Rick? :)

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Rick2tails: @bluedraggy well I dont visit them rl but if katia was in one thatd be where I`d want to hang out (or around the bartender)

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Cloud: I want to say "Good job!" but so many people have said it so many ways before me. This feels like when your at some birthday party and your gift is half the size of others and just as cheep. Maybe if I wrap mine with a few more words it will be just a bit more valuable...

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Cloud: @Cloud: *cheap

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AMKitsune: "So let me get this straight. That shady, hooded figure over there with the brush and canvas is painting a picture of me right now and intends to share it for the world to see? For a start, that's pretty creepy, and secondly, who'd even want to see a painting of me?"

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Vidiotdragon: You have such a great grasp of weight and cloth nnnnnnnnnnnnng so jealous

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Miki: 10/10

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Skoon: I love this style.

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Makkon: Solid drawing, love the cloth folds and anatomy!

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Caps: Oh god, those legs.