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KuroNeko: "Cry-y-y~ I made you cry."

Someone on reddit told me that the way I draw argonians reminded them of Calamity from No Evil so I drew Quill-Weave as her.
Also, I must warn you, don't search what No Evil is unless you want to be hooked on another very good webserie.

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semiafro007: that´s really cute, hopefully Kat doesn't catch a cold

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Dominik: Pretty nice art. Same goes with that water effect on Katia's face

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damrok4321: my, quill looks so adorable

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Kazerad: =D oh my god I love this. The tuning fork from that series is one of my aesthetically-favorite portrayals of magic.

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KuroNeko: @semiafro007: If she does and start sneezing, it's an ill omen.

@Dominik: Thanks

@Kazerad: The way this series mix magic with music is so cool.

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: I hadn't seen that animation series in absolutely ages. Takes me right back.
@KuroNeko: Your continued ability to draw and shade water never ceases to amaze me.

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Zargothrax: I see Katia complained about how slow it is for her kind to clean their fur, against which Quill objected by demonstrating methodology of superior efficiency. (Or maybe she just wanted a pun to come alive?)
Quill's dress is charming, I really like it!

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KuroNeko: @AMKitsune: It's still going on by the way, the most recent episode came out last week and .

@Zargothrax: It's a shame Quill's color scheme doesn't go very well with that dress, Calamity's blue scales looks better with green.

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Rick2tails: this is just too cute!