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Uploader Whistle,
Tags artist:Whistle character:Katia_Managan dreams surreal very_casually_underdressed
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Whistle: here is my approximate dream

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Whistle: recently

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Zargothrax: Funny, I had one too just today.
I was on a ship (similar to the one in Precede) with a middle aged woman, who was expecting Katia to show up. But Katia had no funds for the voyage, instead she went to some kind of mask maker first, who was capable of creating masks that if you wear, you can assume a certain persons appearance. She chose the appearance of some kind of traveling agent, who traveled so much on this ship, he once payed a large sum to the crew for a lifetime ticket (not an actual ticket, they just remembered not to ask for payment from him). The trick worked, they let her onboard (I never saw her in her suthay raht form in the dream). But later a smuggler also came onboard, who had the same idea of how to avoid paying for the ride, and he took the appearance of the same agent, and stuff was starting to become suspicious. That's all I remember.

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Whistle: @Zargothrax:Wow, this is interesting, my sleep
was this: I see that Katya,she very realistic, she says that you are not sleeping, then I appear in a dream in another place, like a cave, very ancient and very familiar, she slightly pushed me, and what for? then I see her further in another place, like a cloud,she talk something but it scares me ,again laterthen she says something, and it will look like something very bright and kind,later a very strange thing, it takes and hits me in a sore spot
in the leg, when in childhood I fell on a stump and almost broke my leg,later then I see her sitting on the stove, she says; I am sorry, I will help, I see her insecure, and my appearance was shy, then I say; how sorry you are ?, she gets up from her place, comes to me, takes and gently bites, and then strokes it, she says ;never forget me,I only wake up when my ear turns red from the cold and really hurts

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Whistle: @Whistle: this dream was not clear to me,so I started to quickly draw my new creation