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Zargothrax: Not too long ago I posted a drawing of Katia poledancing, and Bluedraggy wrote something like, if only we could get Quill to do the same. Well, we could.

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KuroNeko: Wow you've drawn Quill and she looks amazing!
I like how you made her more muscular than Katia, it's fitting, considering she's supposed to travel across all Cyrodil.
Also, I first glance I mistook the space between her arm and the top of her head for a helmet she was holding to prevent it from falling off.

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lapma: Muscular gals are not my thing, but i can't deny that this is great piece of a drawing.

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Awesome work!

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: @lapma: @Caps: Thank you! By the way, the reason I usually draw her to be significantly stronger than Katia is that she's an acrobatics trainer.

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bluedraggy: Hey Zargo! I took this thing and ran with it, but want to be sure you're okay with it before I upload it. I did modify it a little - the outfit pretty substantially - but I think you'll be okay with it:

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Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: Aww, you could have just uploaded it, would've been more of a surprise. But while we are at it:

I left in a mistake, maybe you could fix it. It wasn't such a big issue so as to ask for mods to replace my image, but since you haven't uploaded yet:
see the red line? I left that there by accident.

The outfit changes are welcome, I just wasn't brave enough to make it so small
In any case, your color choice is something one would normally wear under clothing or for sleeping. You could choose a complimentary color, in this case it would be a matte blue-ish turquoise, or something around that. But in my opinion, there is a much better option: black (or a dark grey), considering the "occasion".

See you on the other post!

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Rick2tails: this looks nice!