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Uploader GrizzlyBear,
Tags argonian artist:GrizzlyBear character:Vaermina firearms pixel_art saturalia_dreams text
Source Unknown
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GrizzlyBear: Hey guys! This is my first upload here so let me know if I made any mistakes. It’s also my first attempt at art in years, so forgive me if it looks a bit lazy

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Dominik: It doesn't looks lazy, that's a nice art

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KuroNeko: Nice, first artwork of Vaerminargonian. It looks good, the way she cross her fingers with her right hand is a bit weird but not impossible to do, nice work.
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GrizzlyBear: @KuroNeko: Thank you! Those crossed fingers were a failed attempt at the “westside” gang gesture. It’s hard to convey with nubby triangle fingers.

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semiafro007: looks good to me

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Caps: Janey`s got a gun