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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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KuroNeko: It's candlemas today, it's time to make some crepe.

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lapma: Simply amazing, also adorable.

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AMKitsune: INCOMING!!!
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TempIntel: lol

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Quilll "That`s for sneaking behind me".
I imagine it took you a lot of work in making this animation.

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bluedraggy: It IS candlemas, but I never knew there was an association with crepes. Oddly I did make banana pancakes this morning though so maybe it was fate. No cats were involved, sad to say. Terribly cute.

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KuroNeko: @Tabby_Catface: @lapma: Thanks

@AMKitsune: I see I should have made the crepe flipping shorter and the delay before it fall longer, thank you for the correction.

@Caps: Thank you, the drawings in themselves are not that complicated but you have to maake sure each fram look the same (as much as possible) because any mistake will be visible immediately once it's animated, and it lengthen the drawing process a lot.

@bluedraggy: Thanks. If there is no cat or lizard to makes crepes for us, what's even the point to have them

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: Have you considered using one of those artist's 'light boxes'? Seems like the sort of thing that could really help for these sorts of frame by frame animations.
There are some rather reasonably priced ones out there to from the looks of it.

That being said, there's a stylistic charm to the slight wiggle that comes with each frame being slightly different.

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Sashimi: Haha, aww, this is so cute!

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Zargothrax: Crepes > pancakes

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KuroNeko: @AMKitsune: Actually, I use one (sort of) I use a strong lamp inside a transparent box but it's true it's not as good as a proper lightpad which also has the advantage hold your paper in place.


@Zargothrax: Definitely.

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Rick2tails: accidents do often happen in the kitchen

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bluedraggy: I feel like cutekat will nibble her way through the crepe without touching it till just her mouth is free then give Quill a crepe kiss.