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KuroNeko: Poor things, that moose really messed them up.

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jlm: I love this -- Vaermina showing such tenderness, and very well drawn.

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Zargothrax: @Caps: She payed in advance. For me it took like 30 deaths to realize that the boss actually takes damage. (before that I thought you have to survive for a period of time, then some scripted event wins for you)

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Caps: @Zargothrax I don`t know why people thinks you only have to dodge when all the previous bosses involve you fighting them.

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dragon_RT: @Caps: Actually, you can "win" via dodging, as the wall of fire is finite. (I've managed to survive until the end, after a lot of deaths) To be honest, I didn't realize that the boss had a health bar until then...I just thought the shield will break when some conditions are met. But the finale scene was pretty cool! :p

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Caps: @Dragon_RT well, I didn´t know that : ) I really like the game and she is one of my favourite boss so far. I have replayed it a lot of times. And I usually tend to finish her off after flying over the multiple columns of fire that she fire close to the end.Maybe I will try to dodge all of them. ; )

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Zargothrax: @jlm: Thank you. I had an a other version in mind where Vaermina was a psychiatrist and Endless was laying on a couch, but I couldn't make it work, it looked terrible. I liked this idea better as it was more emotional.

@Caps: Since I didn't notice the halo burning away, all I saw was that I'm shooting and she doesn't take damage. Which was unsurprising to me considering Vaermina tells you in the beginning that the boss will block all attacks.

@dragon_RT: Good to know! There is a part where there is a row of fire on the top and the bottom, and it's full chaotic in between. Never got past that.