Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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bluedraggy: I expect this may cause a little controversy. But it's pretty darn close to canon. Probably the first Fourball drawing that could possibly have made it onto the booru though! (I'll have to check that).

It's important that when you complete a long, difficult goal you should celebrate heartily for a job well done. It is customary to inaugurate a newly completed project with a christening of some appropriate type. It is also important when joining a cult to read all the bylaws and rituals in the charter before signing.

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APayne1776_2: Uh oh

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semiafro007: i wonder what will happen?

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KuroNeko: Aw, and now I feel bad (Though yeah this is pretty much what is supposed to have happened whan she was in those cults)

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4ball: hey! this looks amazing!!! thanks for doing this

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Rick2tails: she should of been suspicious when she was the only girl around

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Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: Careful. What is and isn't canon has little significance in what is or should be allowed. Otherwise one third of the current boruu content would be inappropriate in that regard and about half the content on Katia from monosodium glutamate would be.
Nice job on the coloring though! It's not everyday we see a fully colored comic posted.

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Zargothrax: *would be appropriate

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Un_Mapache: @Miki: Yup, me too.
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AzuajeM79: -someone bring the werewolf please.

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Caps: Oh jeez... How many people are there? like 18?

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JohnnyCheesedog: In an effort to encourage the youth of today to visit their local library, some comments making reference to an outside site have been removed. Let's try and keep outside references about as PC as everything else on the booru.
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Arcikeligo: Temple of mara be wildin'

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bluedraggy: I've been to the local library. Not one damn art book on Oblivion cultists! And the librarian gave me a funny look when I tried to specify what I was looking for.

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Zargothrax: @JohnnyCheesedog: When a dramatic description is submitted, there should be a check for occurrences of specific sites, and if any are found, the page should redirect to a picture of an angry imperial guard yelling something like "Stop right there criminal scum! Nobody mentions that site under my watch! I'm confiscating your comment."

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Kazerad: @Zargothrax: Shhh, now Kit is gonna see that and code it and I'll feel bad because I don't pay him enough.

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Dominik: Poor Kat. Hope they just wanted to sacrifice her and she escaped

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rearea389: Sad