Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.


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KuroNeko: This is really pretty. And it's a very creative way to use her telekinesis. Let's just hope she don't becomes annoying like others faeries.
Also those shorts are genius, the system for the tail makes so much more sense than just a hole, I think I'm going to start using it too.

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"Remember Katia, you can only take the teeth that are under people's pillows. I don't care how much you need the money, the contents of their mouths are off-limits."
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TempIntel: Go forth pixie Katia, and spread moon sugar dust far and wide.

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ADudeCalledLeo: faerie of (un)luckiness

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Whistle: IT is beautifully painted

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lapma: Nice work. But why does she have actual underwear?

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APayne1776_2: The fairy godmother I wish I had

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: I can give you a better anthro problem: try designing a headphone. Earpods are out, we're talking studio grade over ear headphones. If you were to design it naively and simply have it envelope the ears with a band on the top, it'll be top-heavy with no clamping force. A small tilt on the head and it falls off.
@AMKitsune: Aww, she's even prettier in color. And nice job changing the color of the wings to be closer to mysticisms representation in the comic.
@TempIntel: Well, she's allergic to that, on the other hand... @ADudeCalledLeo: she can spread misfortune instead of pixie dust. And light everything aflame.
@Whistle: Thank you.
@lapma: For YOU dear moderators. And for me for being lazy to draw clothes but didn't want to tag my drawing 'questionable' for nudity. (and I don't really like the aesthetics of the painted underwear. It's good for memes though)

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Make them so that it softly pinch the ears, that way they won't fall.
Or even better, take the superior option and draw a lizard instead of a cat. No more ear problems :p

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Caps: Now Kattia should be able to defeat dragons since she is a fairy type.

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lapma: @Caps: noice one

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Sashimi: I find this to be quite appealing!

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Rick2tails: painted underwear was good for a specific time in katias life but as a long term thing its beyond dumb