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Zeroranic: God she is cute ! I just wonder what she is doing

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damrok4321: awwww this is beautiful

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AMKitsune: Isn't it just typical? After barely stepping foot out of a bakery with sweetroll in hand, you look down to see this.
Looks like you'll be enjoying an entire half of that sweetroll.

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APayne1776_2: That's cute, I like it

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KuroNeko: Here we see Katia doing her fist dark brotherhood quest by trying to murder her victim with cuteness. What a monster.
Nice to see more of your art. It's really adorable. Great work.

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lapma: This is great, nice work.

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Rick2tails: @AMKitsune I`d gladly give Katia half of my sweet treat

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Caps: When your new tiny kitty ask you for food.

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Zargothrax: Aww, she's so cute. And such great colors! Nice shading too. (her neck/shoulders scare me a little though. Must be a witch hunter trick she learnt along the way)

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Caps: @Zargothrax: I think her shoulder thing is because you are seen her from above her.
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Greiylin_Terragon: >katia: ask mr. obama for help