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SaintDumos: Got carried away.

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Rick2tails: is Quill floating?

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bluedraggy: You, my good sir, have excellent rendering skills. Skirt wrinkles, texture of the book cover, boob shading (well, sorry dammit - that's what it is!) I hate to think how long this took, but I do assure you it was time well spent!

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KuroNeko: @SaintDumos: Can you get carried away more often? Because this looks fantastic.

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Zargothrax: @Rick2tails: She's not floating, according to SaintDumos' desription she's being carried away (probably by an invisible hand)

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damrok4321: what is coda?

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SaintDumos: @damrok4321: c0da is basically Michael Kirkbride’s (ex-developer at Bethesda) fanfiction about the events following the end of the 4th Era. Nirn gets destroyed, the people of Tamriel flee on a spaceship to Masser, and lots of other strange LSD-induced shenanigans.