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KuroNeko: This won't end well...

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Zerorganic: Context pls D:
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Streetwind: @Zerorganic: Pelinal Whitestrake is infamously the single most racist person (okay, divine spirit) to have ever existed in the Elder Scrolls universe. His life goal was murdering the largest number of mer (elvenkind) possible, in the most brutal and degrading manners possible - usually while foaming mad for some reason or other. Unsurprisingly, he is greatly revered among men (humankind).

Although Khajiit are classified as beastfolk and not mer, their entire creation myth involves a carbon copy of the Aldmeri pantheon with slightly changed names, and politically, they are more closely tied to the Aldmeri Dominion than to any nation of men. The fact that some khajiit forms look more elflike than catlike didn't help, either - back in his day, Pelinal slaughtered thousands of Khajiit when he mistook them for Aldmeri.

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Zerorganic: I really need to learn more about this stuff. There are a few things i know already but something like this happens all the time. Me not understanding a Joke because of missing Elder scrolls knlowedge
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Urglenurf__: @Zerorganic The Imperial Library has a compilation of every written book in the TES universe. The subjective best part however is the "Obscure Texts" session. These works are apocrypha technically, but thoroughly entertaining.

As an aside someone did an animation regarding Pelinal and it's amazing.


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Boaty: @Streewind Nah, Pelinal killed the AYLEID elves because they enslaved the humans of Cyrodiil. The evil/morally complacent Ayleids.

And not fun consensual bedtime kinky slavery or marriage. Or even work-on-a-plantation slavery, like the Dunmer do. No like, the kind where gas chambers and masses of people are involved, where human kids are turned into pinatas for amusement, tortured for literally music and flesh art, death gauntlets set up so slaves can't ESCAPE (not to keep people out), etc. BAD ELVES.

And Pelinal isn't racist. He was completely okay with Alessia marrying a minotaur. He's cool with beastkin, and interracial couples. And he let non-combatant Ayleids go, ones who didn't want to join Umaril. Most of them relocated to Daggerfall.

If Pelinal *is* racist, it's because he does not give a shit flying fuck what your race is. He will tell an Altmer he is a pisskin, just as much as an oOrc is a hogface horker, just as much as he'll tell a human they're a tailess monkey, and so on.

He accidentally massacred a bunch of khajiit though, because he mistook them for Ayleids (khajiit have different morphotypes, some of which look nearly identical to elves). Akatosh literally told him to stop. Alkosh too, I think.

Pelinal does, however, despise dogshit priests that do nothing but spout worthless godtalk instead of taking action and doing good.