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KuroNeko: Haha, nice one. She should really stop drinking so much and get into those situations.
Is that the first time you make one of these with Quill?
(her left hand is reversed by the way)

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bluedraggy: Dammit, put some clothes on you shameless lizard! Nobody wants to see THAT!

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ADudeCalledLeo: "While Argonians may appear to be completely immune to most poisons, large enough doses will 'bypass' this immunity. Exhibit A:"

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Well... on >>6949 I referenced a frilled lizard, but that wasn't a knock-off. To be fair this isn't a 1:1 knock off either. I made some changes, most notably, the head and the hip area, but I also changed the chest a little, just to make her more cartoony. (surprising, but I actually put effort into this...)
For the hand, I tried holding my hand like that and couldn't, humanoid anatomy doesn't allow it, so I flipped it. O you mean it's flipped the wrong way. That's true. Still happens sometimes dammit.