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Zerorganic: Thats not how a cat wash works.... pls watch your Washing machines. Yea i dunno.... wanted to see what i can animate within one day. Here is the result. 5 Hours of work

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bluedraggy: Oh that's horrifying! Somebody get her out, she's dry already!

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Zerorganic: somebody should have told her that she is supposed to only put her clothes into this thing...

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Zargothrax: 5 hours well spent.
Quill probably got fed up of her being dirty again.
btw https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/23/us/washing-machine-cat-trnd/index.html

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Dominik: "You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round!"

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KuroNeko: Aww, look at her face, she's having so much fun. Let's make her go for another cycle :p

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Rick2tails: dont put your cats in the washer no matter how dirty they get!

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Zerorganic: No Katias were harmed during this production. There was no water in this machine and there were enough clothes inside to make it soft and confy. Fun fact : Rajiira told her to go inside. She said its a fast, save and ,,exciting'' way to become clean again.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @Zerorganic: I was about to ask if this was another one of Katia's "BEST IDEAS" but instead I'm gonna say "fuck Rajirra".

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: use the gravity gun to toss the washing machine at a guy