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Uploader Zargothrax,
Tags artist:Zargothrax Mysticism witch-hunter_control_panel
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Zargothrax: An another ancient drawing, uploaded for the same purpose as my previous drawing.
Many many years ago, when bored, I used to doodle these. Now, I decided to collect all of the doodles, renovate them digitally (some of them were on lined paper, it was pretty tedious to fix that), and compile them into one drawing.
It may not have a prequel character in it, but I'd say it's still prequel related.

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Zerorganic: pls combine it with the other drawing. that would look amazing... id assume and hope

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Zargothrax: I just had an idea on how to spice this up. When done, I'll report the image to have it replaced with the new version.
@Zerorganic: I don't really know how that could even be done.

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ADudeCalledLeo: This is pretty cool, but I can only imagine Katia freaking out over this expanded control panel.