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Tags artist:damrok4321 blood character:Quill-Weave knife Quill-Weave's_evil_armor smiling
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damrok4321: I noticed there's some trend for drawing evil quill recently so I decided to also give it a try. Never drew her in this version actually.

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Krozbott: Where did evil quill even come from to begin with? is it some fan made version of quill or what?

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damrok4321: @Krozbott: I believe it started here At that time, kaz was up for a trully evil things.

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Rick2tails: I assume thats ketchup?

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KuroNeko: Nice, more evil Quill is always good.
She lloks great, I like how her outfit make her chest looks bigger than what it actually is. Sounds like somethink she would do.
Nice work.

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ADudeCalledLeo: she stabby
Good art

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Zerorganic: thicc quill. I like it a lot. Great proportions, clean, simple and effective coloring and shading. Good work dam

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Dominik: *pulls out bigger dagger*
Checkmate, evil lizard!

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Zargothrax: Good drawing! Pretty dramatic overall.
Her torso became really short. I can imagine two scenarios:
1.: You wanted to draw her standing upright. In this case you would not be able to fit the obliques between the hip and the ribcage. Actually, the top of the hip bone and the bottom of the ribcage might even overlap here. (by the way, the bottom of the bras/chestpiece should be shaded to show more form)
2.: You wanted to draw her leaning forward, making the torso this short by being subjected to foreshortening. In this case, we should be seeing the top of the shoulders, be directly looking onto the cleavage, and the belt would be probably entirely obstructed by that.
A side note: The fishnet stockings/pants were made by a texture/pattern brush right? Be careful, these brushes have no concept on 3D forms. Towards the sides of her legs, the holes should be seen at an angle and look more narrow and dense, but the brush cannot know that the surface you paint is curved. Therefore, these brushes tend to make things look flat, so it's advise to use them on flat surfaces.

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damrok4321: @Zargothrax: I actually made that texture by hand, first drawing two straight lines, then copying them over and over until I had them covering the space which her legs take, then copying those lines again, flipping horizontally and positioning them so there became a fine fishnet like texture. Then I just placed them on a different layer and erased, so it fit inside her leg contour. I was just a bit lazy with that.

As for her pose, I sketched it this way from the beginning but I may just suck at the anatomy still and could probably design it a bit better. I appreciate your critique and will try to be more correct in the future. May I ask though how could I make her top of the shoulders visible? Should it be done by giving them more form by shading? Or rather I should just draw them differently?

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Zargothrax: @damrok4321: draw them differently. You already did that once with the Dutch tilted Katia a few months ago. But in usually, references are your friend, in case you are stuck.
And in general, always start with naked body, that helps a lot, and remember to draw through the forms. It's difficult to create correct anatomy without that if the pose is a bit more complicated and contains parts that are obstructed from view.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: Quill's got them big honkas