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lapma: I promissed Bluederaggy to do this drawing once im done with my visit to pig sanctuary and cuddle some piggos. So here it is! (and in source is link to my twitter post with this drawing and link to imgur album with pictures and gifs of me with piggies if you are intrested)

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Rick2tails: thats a big pig

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KuroNeko: I guess Katia being malnourished finally has an advantage. She's light enough to ride on piggy.

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ADudeCalledLeo: A fine mount, Miss Managan!

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PermanentFace: Say, why is Katia always winking in your pictures, Iapma?

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lapma: @PermanentFace: does she? I dont think she is winking that often.

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PermanentFace: I was tagging some pieces earlier and it seemed like every one of yours I came across had her with one eye closed or obscured. Maybe just a coincidence, I guess.

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PermanentFace: Must have been. I just checked your tag and there are plenty that break the pattern. It was just five in a row, with at least one eye closed or obscured.

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lapma: @PermanentFace: depends on pic, for example there was one with bucket on head, she just dont want slop to get into eye and such things.