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Uploader Varanonegro,
Tags character:Katia_Managan Katia's_measurements questionable
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Varanonegro: Hello, I have been in the fandom for two years and this is the first image I upload, in the same way it is the first drawing I make of Katia. I used [url=https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/80#search=user_id%3D2 [/url] kazerad image for reference. I upload this image because it was necessary for me to know the exact measurements of Katia, in the image you can see her with a height of 1.60 meters. I am writing this with the help of Google translator
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Varanonegro: [url=https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/80#search=user_id%3D2]imagen[/ url] de Kazerad

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Geravind: What is so "questionable" here? That flirty tail?...

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Skybolt06: yeah... hmmm..?

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Rick2tails: @Geravind probably it looks like she is very underdressed here
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Varanonegro: @Geravind: I labeled it "questionable" for the simple fact that the silhouette does not appear to have clothes

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Skybolt06: we all know this, but we like to make jokes a lot here

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ADudeCalledLeo: really is just a giant cat with human proportions innit

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freynk03: Thank you very much, I have been wondering for a long time how tall Katia was!

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Zargothrax: @freynk03: Wonder no longer, this mystery has been solved already!
Here: , and from this, Katia's height can be derived: >>2016
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Varanonegro: @Zargothrax: Thank you for this information. I'll upload something about this