Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


Chapter Six: Consulting the Evidence

March 4th, 2027, 4:30 a.m.
Katia’s Room, K47 Training Facility, Atlantic Ocean

Katia’s whole room had been re-fabricated, made to look like her old apartment in L.A. “Home sweet home right,” she thought, “cause this totally doesn’t make me more homesick than I already am. Being stuck under the Atlantic sure is fun isn’t it?” Katia sighed, hadn’t failed any of the endurance tests so far, and didn’t plan to fail anytime soon, the few that had been eliminated from joining the squad were two humans and the argonian. Katia wasn’t able to sleep for the past few days, and had spent some time consulting the evidence from when Quill Weave was killed. So far she had only made a few ties, the rope with blood on it must’ve been the Katia’s. The papers with the code were made by two different people, two of them made by one person, but who else knew the code apart from her and Quill? What made things more confusing was that one of the two with the same handwriting had blood droplets in the left hand corner. Katia laid in her bed, searching her mind for possible answers, did the terrorists cut or hurt Quill in any way, was the writer of the notes even at the scene? Katia closed her eyes massaging her temples, extremely puzzled, for a second everything in her mind's eye was spinning in circles, until she found herself in a strange dream.

In the dream Katia got up out of bed, walked into the bathroom and found a body in the bathtub. She screamed, and covered her mouth as she observed the body, it was the CEO of the publishing house, but why here? Katia’s dreams usually did tie with her life, but ever since the attack they were mostly nightmares of the scene playing endlessly in her head. This just didn’t make sense, the publisher was just sitting there, mouth open eyes glazed, his last moment of fear left on his face. Blood ran along the side of his suit and down the left sleeve to his cold dead hand, in it was a piece of paper. “By the nine is that-” Katia was cut off by the blood curdling crunch of the publisher’s neck moving to the side to make his head stare at her. He no longer had eyes in his deep sockets, and when he spoke his voice was raspy and dry, “trust no one, Katia Managan!” It reached out it’s hand and grasped her arm, pulling her closer “NO ONE!”

Katia woke up screaming in terror, waking up in a cold sweat, she had fallen out of bed and onto the ground. She looked under the bed at the note, there it was, the only reasonable explanation right in front of her. She picked up the bloodstained note that said, “trust no one,” she needed as much information on the publisher as possible. She quickly thanked the nine for the vision, even though it was terrifying, she knew the answer to all her questions. The notes were by the publisher, who must’ve also been in Unit L39, which is how he knew the code, the numerals and number code must be parts of Quill Weave’s book. She skimmed through it going to the page numbers marked by the numerals and the word by the numbers, she wrote the words all on one piece of paper, they spelled out this. “Latitude negative 40 degrees, longitude 45 degrees, code 5283756.” Katia looked up the location, it was off the coast of Africa and Madagascar, a few hundred miles at least from the looks of it. She did it, she figured out what they had been trying to tell her, but there had to be more than this, there were still more answers to find. Training first, but she had to tell Sgt. Foles, she had to tell him what she’d found. Katia looked at the clock, 5:42, about fifteen minutes, if she told Foles there’d be no failing, she had to make the squad, she had to avenge Quill.
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Skybolt06: like I said, this chapter is really short but wouldn't really fit in with chapter five, also sorry for not uploading this until today, I just didn't get on this past weekend and was having a brain fart with the next few chapters. But hey, you're almost up to date, the chapter seven is the only complete chapter, then I'll be writing the one you'll be reading next.

I'll probably get the seventh chapter in tomorrow and hopefully get the eighth finished and uploaded at most by the weekend, cause with school I never really know when I'll have time and when I won't, but I hope you enjoy even though this one was kinda short!
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Varanonegro: a dark dream 7u7
I liked the way he found the coordinates, even though I still find it curious that the story is set in this universe XD
No confío en Foles

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Skybolt06: well the note did say to "trust no one"
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Varanonegro: @Skybolt06: Exactamente