Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.


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PuChiPi: I am building an army of Katias.
Our numbers are growing.
We will be unstoppable. (Or at least adorable)
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Varanonegro: Que bonitas Katias
Es curioso notar que tres Katias llevan zapatos y las otras tres no

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Skybolt06: Yes, this is very adorable, but you must never underestimate Katia's power
This is epic, nice job

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Zargothrax: Aw, the blinking animation is so adorable!
And all outfits are portrayed really well
I love how her expression stays the same throughout her journey... She only cries internally.

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Rick2tails: I wanna hug them all!

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ADudeCalledLeo: Attack of the adorable Katias!!!

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AMKitsune: That is some really nice pixel art, and the animation is just bouncy enough to give some good secondary motion without going overboard. Fantastic stuff!

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Sashimi: @PuChiPi: Fantastic sprite work! Love it.

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KuroNeko: Wow, very nice. I like how bouncy they looks :)