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Tags artist:egliomatn character:Rajirra khajiit_racism monochrome sketch text
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egliomatn: i've never heard this tongue before

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SaintDumos: that's basically what Ta'agra sounds like to Cyrodillic speakers

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Sashimi: "Meow"

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Skybolt06: @Sashimi: Dang that's what I was gonna say

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KuroNeko: @Sashimi: How dare you talk about her mother like that!

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Sashimi: @KuroNeko: B-but all I meant was "Meow,meow,meeeow".

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_Noxygen_: *Moo noises

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ADudeCalledLeo: Nice art!
shouldn't this be tagged "khajiit_racism"

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NotGodOkay: Fist Pumps!

Also I am more than worthy to draw Khajiit now.
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Micropipi69: I legit thought it said *car noises* for the longest time